that make you do things you didn't mean to

about darkpatterns that lists and educates you about tricks and scummy tactics used by even the most commonly used websites that make you do things you didn't mean to. Dark Patterns are quite prevalent in even the most regularly used websites. How many times have you logged onto a website with an intent to do A but the site tries to lead you to B instead? How many times have you had those "I didn't opt for this" moments during online shopping? This website will help you understand such tricks and be more informed against them.

Note: I'm in no way associated with the website. Just helping spread some good information.

Edit: Wow this got to the Front page! Thanks everyone for helping spread this. Thanks for the generous awards too.

There is a good reason for that. Simply visiting a URL is not supposed to change the state of the server, because it is what's called a GET request. If GET requests are allowed to change state, hackers can perform actions as you by getting you to click a link, or visit a web page that makes the request silently. State changing actions are meant to be POST requests, which is what the 'yes, I'm sure' button does.

And then says it will take effect in a couple days or a week. WTF..this is all digital. Should be instant. Someone doesn’t have to go to a dusty file cabinet and find my record and delete it.

Read More:,61063,0,0,dodany,NFL-Streams-Reddit.html

I used to send marketing emails for a company; they've likely already scheduled the next handful of emails to go out, and the framework we used made it extremely difficult to update the list of recipients (although just about everything in that process was harder than it should have been). Certainly no way to automate the process of removing folks that unsubscribed, hence the delay of a week or two

It would have taken an unreasonable amount of money for the company that designed the system to do such a thing, and we had them focusing their limited resources on things that would be more useful and profitable for us (and I would expect any company in a similar situation to make the same decision). It would be silly for a business to go down that path rather than just inform customers who are unsubscribing that they might get a few more emails.

Not saying it's cool, I'm just saying that there's more to it (namely, convincing a profit-focused company to spend lots of dollars on something that wouldn't make them more money) than just writing a script.

Can't speak for all places, but at the place I work this because the mailing list for the emails is generated from a customer management system (CMS) and then imported into a completely separate email distribution system run by a completely different company. We send out emails to lots of different metrics and mail lists so of the hundreds of thousands of people in the CMS, an email will only usually go to a few hundred depending on what it's about. When you click unsubscribe, someone in the back end gets an automated email and has to physically go through the CMS and update your marketing preferences. This can take them some time as this won't be their main job and probably isn't a priority to them. We may already have emails scheduled 2-3 weeks in advance. So going through everything and recreating the mailing lists and reimporting would be too time consuming. It sounds like company restructuring would help but it honestly wouldn't (this would take too long to explain).

TL;Dr, most companies send out in a weird convoluted way using multiple 3rd party applications they have no control of the coding for and it's just better to carry on saying "give us 30 days" than rewriting code and restructuring everything to make it work automatically.

I'm sure that making this more efficient is not a high priority for these companies, but to be fair it is often the case that there is a "batch interface" between these systems. I.e., the list of people to subscribe or unsubscribe is only transferred once a day, all in one batch rather than on-demand.

In the US I think the CAN-SPAM act requires that companies respect an unsubscribe request within 10 days. Many companies probably mention that sort of timeline just to cover their ass, even if it won't take that long in practice.

As a web developer, I can say it’s not always the case. Sometimes it’s just because the site has a shitty backend system that was prevalent in 1995.

Often times these systems put in a two-step unsubscribe process because of email bot clicks (typically virus/phishing scanners) that can mass-unsubscribe people without the recipient wanting it. So I’d advocate for giving a tiny break due to that and not automatically marking as spam (which can really cause headaches for marketers that play by the rules).

I was subscribed to a French newspaper that I actually like but the app had issues for weeks and I couldn't access Premium content, so I decide to deactivate my subscription. To subscribe, I only needed to click on one link and enter a payment method. To unsubscribe (and it was clearly advertised as a "cancel anytime" monthly subscription) I had to email their customer service. I already feel super disappointed, but in the meantime, the technical issues is fixed so while I wait for them to reply, I kinda feel like keeping the subscription because I do like their content. Except the email reply is just them asking me to reconsider and offering me a discount if I choose to stay. I have to send a second email and basically ask again to unsubscribe. Nah mate, I'm out, this is scummy behavior and I don't like it.

In Canada they passed a law a few years back about unsubscribe from websites. Any promo/newsletter you receive must have a clear unsubscribe button at the end of it where you just have to click and no more step than that. For any situation where you don't have that option or you need to enter your email address to complete you can complain and the website will automatically be fined.

I’m frankly at the point nowadays that if it’s not already a website I frequent and trust, if it comes up with a single window between when I entered the address/clicked on the link and seeing what I went to the site to see, then in closing the tab. I don’t have time for that shit. Have assignments to procrastinate, and I want to spend that time doing something I want to do, not doing extra steps to get to something I think I want to do. Fuck that.

No idea for YouTube, I don’t log in to YouTube. Nor keep cookies for it. Nor allow ads on it.

Gmail gave me a new pop-up last week. “Give us your data or enjoy having zero filtering ever”. I’m enjoying the zero filtering.

Edit: holy motherfucking nutfucks, had to change not to nor 3 fucking times cuz iPhone keep retroactively changing it.

The other thing I have noticed is tech companies using tactical empathy to manipulate you. I was reading “Never Split the Difference” which is a book about negotiation written by a former FBI hostage negotiator, and all of a sudden I was like “holy shit, I recognize this language”.

It’s how all AI chat bots talk now, even Apple support tickets get fed into a form so they can be spat out into that format.

“My computer blew up”

“It seems like you’re having trouble using your computer. Is that right?”

Looks fairly innocuous but it’s actually not. If you consider interactions with tech companies to be negotiations, you are getting worse outcomes as a result.

I don't mind affiliate links either, as long as I know they're affiliate links. (And legally speaking, they're required to disclose the presence of affiliate links; they got in trouble with the FTC for not doing so.)

Completely with you on the whole advertorial/astroturfing thing, though.

My personal "favorite" is when you visit a website and before you have the chance to look at anything, there are popups asking for your email in exchange for a coupon - and the only way to make it go away is to click "no thanks, I hate saving money!"

I was on eharmony for 1 month. They have some bullshit where you can only cancel like 5 days before a pay period ends. Don’t recall the exact details. Instead of waiting until the dictated cancellation time, I simply told my bank that the card was compromised and to send me a new one, lol.

Probably the most drastic thing I’ve done to cancel a service

I guess I’m not 100% sure with Amazon, but the vast majority of the time, you can generally cancel free trials as soon as you sign up for them. You’ll still be able to use the service through the trial period.

Whenever I sign up for a free trial for any service, I go in immediately after and cancel it and I’ve never had a situation where it closed my trial period.

Call Amazon! I used to do Customer Service and we have special policies in place for people who were charged overage fees.

If you don't mention the fees/that you'd like your refund to cover the overage charge they won't offer to cover it themselves obviously. It's easier to justify giving the refund if it went to a card that's not the one you signed up with, the card it chose is not the one you usually use or if you say you didn't mean to sign up and didn't know you were going to be charged.

Maybe 50% of my calls were people complaining about being charged. It happens all the time. I've seen Amazon offer free shipping and in the really small print say it will start a Prime trial.

For anyone who can't find out where to turn off auto renew: a rep can make sure your auto renew is toggled off and can even remove your saved cards from the system if you'd like.

I'm literally on the line with Amex right now because my prime membership was renewed with a card I rarely use (no idea why) and I didn't notice it and racked up a late fee. I didn't get notified from Amazon that the subscription was being renewed so I had no idea until I got an email saying I had a late fee. Pretty frustrating, but hopefully the fee can be reverted.

It took me 6 MONTHS to cancel my prime membership. Even talking to a person while getting the membership fee refunded every damn month and telling them I did not want it at all ever again I finally got someone that would tell me why it kept resubscribing. My tv, every time one of my nieces would come over on a weekend they would open Prime on my tv and it would just start my subscription automatically. Locked the Prime app and no more problem.